Space. Microworld. Knowledge book (two-volume edition)
For children of primary and secondary school age

The "Space. Microworld" set consists of two informative books that will introduce a child to biology and astronomy. The books are vividly illustrated, written in simple language and tell about two worlds that are so far apart – the microworld and the space.

Invisible World. Knowledge book
The encyclopedia will introduce young readers to the microcosm and will teach them to explore it on their own. It tells about the tiny inhabitants of our world, introduces the microscope and teaches how to use it. The book will be an excellent assistant in studying the basics of biology.

Space. Non-empty emptiness. Knowledge book
This informative book about outer space is an excellent choice for studying the basics of astronomy. It tells about the planets of the Solar system, the moon, the sun, nebulae, galaxies, and star clusters. The encyclopedia introduces how the telescope is designed and teaches how to properly conduct astronomical observations.

The "Space. Microworld" book set is suitable for easy reading by children over 6 years old and will be an excellent aid for expanding their horizons.

Author: Invisible World: O. Mazur; Space. Non-empty emptiness: O. Mazur, D. Savchin
Format: hardcover
Size: 252x252mm
Number of pages: Invisible World: 96; Space. Non-empty emptiness: 144
Publisher: Levenhuk Press
Year of release: 2017

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